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The Migration of Hakkas

    Date:2017-12-02       Data source:客家事務委員會       


    The Migration of Hakkas

    Hakkas are truly the most prominent and sturdy population in the Chinese races. Their origins, migrations, and their undergoing have cultured them to have affection for their race and home, and a common unity when standing up against their enemies. As for the future development and progress of the Chinese races, we can certainly say that Hakkas have remarkably made a lot of contributions.

    First Migration: With the influence of the invasions of the five nomadic tribes in China (The Wu Hu) during the time of East Jin, the Hakkas migrated from Central China to Southern Eyu , and from Wangan along the Northern south coast of Yangtze River up to the downriver of Ganjiang. (137879 A.D.)

    Second Migration: After the Rebellion of Huang Chao in Tang Dynasty, the Hakkas migrated to Wannan, southeast of Gan, southwest of Fukien Province and down to the northeast border of Guangdong Province.(880~1126 A.D.)

    Third Migration: As Emperor Kao Tsung of Sung Dynasty escaped to the south, and following the invasion of Yuan, partial Hakka ancestors migrated to the northern and eastern part of Guangdong Province.(1127~1644A.D)

    Fourth Migration: During the period of the falling of Ming Dynasty and the establishment of Ching Dynasty, with the influence caused by the invasion of the Manchurians, the Hakkas had migrated to the central part of Guangdong and coastal area, to the Provinces of Sichuan, Guangxi and Hunan, and to Taiwan respectively. There was a small population migrated to the southern part of Guizhou Province, Hueili of Xikang Province and Southeast Asia.

    Fifth Migration: With the influences caused by the incident of The Hakka- Punti War in Guangdong and the Taiping Rebellion during the period of Emperor Tong Chih, a part of Hakkas had migrated to southern Guangdong Province and Hainan, as well as overseas.(After 1867)

    This part is excerpted from the research of the historian. Prof. Luo, Siang-Lin.



